OCTOBER 16 - 20, 2024


This deeply nourishing experience is for…

Women who want to feel the fire of passion in their belly

The welling up of grief in their heart

The ecstasy of being

and breathing

and dancing

and singing

This is for the woman who wants welcome all parts of herself

The woman who wants to look in the mirror and give an unapologetic YES

The woman who is ready to say…

YES to loving her body as it is

YES to shedding layers of shame

YES to embracing her fullness and wildness

YES to coming home to self

For the woman who wants to FEEL 

To welcome all of herself

From raging volcano woman

To gentle river woman

The woman who wants to excavate and reclaim the fragments of herself lost along the way

To dig her bare hands into the earth and trust in the beauty and grit of her own soul

To be her naked self

Naked of the story that she isn’t enough

That she needs to betray herself to be anything or anyone other than who. she. Is.



unapologetically trust and honor their deep feminine intuition

unleash their tears, laughter, screams, and pleasure without restriction

awaken their wild, primal, animalistic roots

heal physical sexual trauma and the shame of their sexuality/sexual expression

develop a relationship with and understand the wisdom of their yoni

have the space to slow down and take their time

transform body image flaws and judgements of themselves

heal sister wounds of mistrust, comparison, jealousy, insecurity and fear

move beyond their fear of insects, animals, getting dirty, natural disasters (storms, hurricanes, tornado, droughts, etc), dis-ease from Nature (skin cancer, lymes disease, parasites, etc), and the elements (hot, cold, wind, rain, etc)

release control and be rooted in the unknown

unburden their unhealthy “masculine” tendencies of planning, goal-setting, independence, control, withholding emotions, and avoidance

release womb trauma of birth, miscarriage, abortion, infertility, surgery, and menstrual issues

I’m yearning to connect with the Earth! Tell me the investment!


Envision the womb as a sacred, hollow space yearning for nourishment and fulfillment, both physically and energetically. As women, our wombs aren't just for bearing life but also for nurturing thoughts, emotions, projects, and ideas—a continuous birthing process.

When we suppress fears and pains, our energetic womb congests, leaving us feeling irritable, sad, or depressed. Burdens weigh us down, stifling joy and vitality. It's vital to release congested emotions, creating space for renewal and nourishment. As we let go, love, joy, and abundance fill the void, reconnecting us with our authentic selves and awakening our radiance.

Our retreat is a sanctuary for the soul, where we replenish, recharge, and remember our inherent wholeness. Over five transformative days, we embark on a journey to rediscover our feminine essence, embodied in our naked bodies, our wombs, and within our yonis, honoring every aspect of ourselves.

Through guided rituals and reflections, we honor our voices, sexuality, cycles, and the essence of womanhood, embracing our journey to this moment. Together, we celebrate, shedding what no longer serves us and making space for the new chapters awaiting us. Join us in this sacred gathering to honor it all and emerge renewed.


Nature and the purity of your own connection manifests your outcome. What is waiting on the other side of this experience is what you allow to BE and what you most need. This is not a space of coaching, intuitive guidance, and an external oracle. This is a space for YOU in the communion of Self.

These events are intended to shift you out of external dependency on anyone or anything and allow you to root in your own Self connection. The specific practices integrated in the Wild Woman Nude Embodyment are a conduit to allow the non-aligned aspects of yourself to fall away and to Return Home to Who You Are. However, it is not the conduit/tool itself that allows the shift, but YOU.

Your deep desire to live as your truth in a sovereign existence is what allows the shift. AND the shift occurs regardless of what you’re doing or your understanding of it. There is nothing to understand here, just the existence of BEing.


  • Our physical body is our sacred home on this planet, serving as the vessel that connects the physical and non-physical realms. Clothing often carries hidden messages of concealing our truth and masking our authenticity. By shedding our clothes, we have the opportunity to be truly seen as we are, stepping into the vulnerability of our sovereignty. Nudity is akin to the inner child playing freely in the water; the transparency of our truth.

    During our retreat, we undress and dress intentionally, both as we enter and exit the ceremonial portal. This process is done slowly and mindfully, bringing heightened awareness to our bodies. The act of nudity itself becomes a meditative experience that interweaves with our journey, enriching it with its own unique medicine.

  • The natural world emanates a frequency of purity and of constant peace. When we immerse ourselves in nature, we remember our true essence. There is not separation between Human and Nature; we are an integral part of it, not apart from it. Being in harmony with nature allows us to reconnect with our authentic selves and awaken to our inherent connection with the natural world.

    It is a profound reflection and reminder that we are intertwined with nature, and our well-being is intricately linked to the well-being of our planet.


    YONI is a Sanskrit word that means “source,” “womb,” or “vagina” and literally means “female genitalia”. It is often translated as “sacred space”, “the feminine generative power”, or “divine passage”.

    Our exploration of Yoni practices includes Yoni Sunning, Yoni Breathing, Yoni Communication, Yoni Gazing and Yoni Massage. These practices serve as a conduit for clearing blocks and healing unresolved sexual and emotional trauma.

    Yoni Sunning is simply put “opening your legs and allowing your vagina to soak up the magical healing powers of the sun. The women I’ve worked with have collectively described yoni sunning as a transcendental, psychedelic, and extremely nourishing experience. It has various benefits such as balancing hormones, clearing sexual blocks, and opening connection with one’s feminine energy.

    Yoni Breathing typically involves deep, slow breaths that connect with and engage the yoni. The intention of yoni breathing is to release tension, trauma, and emotional blockages stored in the muscles of the pelvic floor by promoting relaxation, circulation and awareness. It also helps enhance sensitivity and pleasure, and promotes overall well-being and vitality.

    Yoni Communication is a practice that involves establishing a conscious and mindful connection with one's yoni and engaging in a two-way communication with it. It is a practice of self-awareness and self-listening, by tuning into the sensations, emotions, and messages coming from your yoni. The intention is to develop expanded understanding of your yoni's needs, desires, and boundaries, and to cultivate a deeper connection with this part of you.

    Yoni Gazing is a profound tantric tradition where we witness our own or each other's Yoni with devotion. It offers an opportunity to release dissociation from our bodies, sexual trauma, shame, embarrassment, and guilt related to our sexuality. It also allows us to connect with our Yoni's desires, accept its beauty, experience more sexual pleasure, and tap into a wellspring of creative life force energy.

    Through all these practices, we can release dissociation, shame, and guilt around our sexuality, connect with our desires, experience more pleasure, and tap into our creative life force.

  • Learn more about the photography included in this retreat below.

    “To see yourself as you’ve never seen yourself before.”

    During the retreat, Kerry and Amanda will be capturing intimate moments and raw emotions of participants, as they return home within themselves. These photographs serve as a powerful witness to the transformation that occurs in a safe space where nudity, emotion, and humanness are welcomed. Through Kerry and Amanda’s lenses, you have the opportunity to see yourself in a new depth, revealing facets of your being that you may have already felt, glimpsed, or were previously unaware of.

    This photography is the opportunity to be SEEN, WITNESSED, and VULNERABLE. In this way it is potent medicine in aIchemizing and dissolving shame. It is not just photographs, it is the medium in which the healing is experienced.

    These photographs also serve as documentation of your personal journey and transformation, preserving the memories of this profound experience for years to come. They are a visual testament to the inner work and growth that you have embarked upon, capturing the essence of your unique and beautiful evolution.


    If you have questions and/or requests about photography, please email Kerry. It is important to Kerry and Amanda that you feel clear, safe, and connected about the photography experience of this retreat.


    Candid photos and video are captured of women throughout the retreat along with intentional photographs to create art. These photos and video may be shared publicly on website and social media. Women can opt out of this experience, along with the opportunity to approve publicly shared images and video.


    Throughout the retreat candid photographs and video are captured of each woman, along with 3-5 yoni portraits, a before and after photo, and intentional group art photographs.

    These photographs are root medicine in this retreat. If you do not want to participate in these photographs, this retreat may not be for you.

    If you have a question or concern about Sacred Nude Photography, please contact Kerry.

  • Learn more about how we’ll be working with Cacao in our sacred journey below.

    Throughout our retreat, we work with sacred Cacao to support us in our healing and connection process.

    All plants have consciousness and when we connect to this consciousness, we access a deeper healing portal. Each plant has its own unique blueprint, personality, and domain of healing. Trees are a big consciousness and can take us deep into the depths of our shadows through their roots and expand our vision/perspective beyond a greater capacity through their incredible heights. Vines, like passionflower, can twist and turn and slowly unearth what has been stored in our nervous system, while extending our ability to receive support through it’s capacity to grow on, around, above, below many things.

    Throughout our retreat, we will connect with our sacred plant ally of cacao, to support healing, help us uncover and see that which we do not currently have access to, and hold us in a way that only pure consciousness can. The practice of working with plants, will not only support you during the retreat, but will be a valuable tool/friendship that will continue to support you throughout your Life journey.

    We will work with the Cacao through ingesting (tea), smelling (essential oils), feeling (flower bath), touch (holding), and intuition (speaking and listening to the plants).

    Kerry has been an Intuitive Herbalist for the past 12 years and has been trained in the teachings of the ancient shaman tradition of Master Plant Dieting — which combines intuition, healing, and sacred ceremony. Working with plants is truly sacred and transformative.

  • At the heart of our experience lies the profound journey within, through solitude and silence. It is a time of intentional non-communication, where there is no eye contact, verbal words, or intentional acknowledgement of others in the collective space. Silence and solitude provide us with the precious opportunity to truly hear ourselves, to touch the depths of our inner world. In this space, we may encounter our darkest thoughts, our most tender desires, and the ineffable nature of consciousness.

    While it may be intimidating, this journey of self-exploration is also deeply desired. Being "left" with ourselves can reveal the hidden facets of our being, illuminating our inner landscape. It becomes a powerful space for self-healing through our own presence, as we confront and integrate our emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

    This journey of solitude and silence is intentionally integrated throughout the retreat, offering extended periods of profound introspection and self-discovery. It is a transformative experience that allows us to delve into the depths of our being and connect with our inner wisdom.

  • Discover the answers to some of your deepest questions about your body, your emotions, and the interconnectedness of mind and body.

    Instinctively, we recognize that stress and life's challenges can lead to illness. This phenomenon is evident in our families and interactions with others.

    Our bodies constantly communicate with us through metaphorical language. By attuning ourselves to these physical messages, we gain access to buried emotions and suppressed feelings.

    Deciphering these messages allows us to tap into the wisdom within ourselves.

    Kerry has been guiding her patients into the root causes of their physical and emotional pains for over 15 years. In this retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to make connections with body symptoms and your emotions, and illuminate root patterns and beliefs. Each women will be invited to choose a body symptom and an emotion that they’d like to dive deepe into. Various practices of connecting with these parts of your will be guided throughout the retreat.

  • Music/Sound Medicine is a powerful practice that harnesses the transformative properties of sound and vibration to awaken the depths of your inner being, stir your emotions, and bring lost parts of yourself back home. This ancient healing is rooted in diverse cultures and involves intentional use of voice and a variety of instruments, including singing bowls, drums, gongs, chimes, flutes, and more. The soothing sounds penetrate your body's energy field and resonate within your cells, facilitating healing and transformative shifts and insights.

    Throughout the retreat the use of music/sound medicine is guided by Spirit and initiated as guided. The specific instruments and vocals used vary depending on intuitive guidance and the unique needs of the participants. It is a sacred and intuitive practice, tailored to support each individual's healing and self-discovery journey.

    We will be blessed in so many ways with sound/music durng our retreat. Katrina “Kat” Lilly of The Freedom Family Band will bless us surrounding meal times and during intentional ceremonial moments. Kerry will share special note of rattles, hanpan, flow chimes, hand drum a much more to help guide the energy. All sisters are wecome in moments to share their voice a play instruments as well. Soif you’re inspired, please bring any instruments you’re called to!


    In our healing practice, we incorporate non-sexual touch with explicit permission from all participants throughout the experience. Non-sexual touch is used as a powerful opportunity to address stored trauma in the body, allowing the feminine heart to soften and open, creating a safe space for healing.

    When we experience touch we activate the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex of the cranial nerves, extending from the brainstem down to various organs in the body, including the heart, lungs, digestive system, and other organs. When activated, the vagus nerve stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for promoting rest, relaxation, and healing in the body. By activating the vagus nerve through this healing non-sexual touch it can be particularly powerful in healing trauma, releasing stored emotions and memories, helping regulate the nervous system, promoting relaxation, and facilitating the healing process.

    We facilitate various forms of non-sexual touch, including self-touch, group practices such as hugging, and touch circles, as well as paired practices. Self-touch is explored as a means of deepening our connection with ourselves and expanding our relationship with our bodies and self-image. We give ourselves permission to touch the parts of ourselves that carry shame; like our breasts, womb, and yoni.

    Shared-touch is also incorporated as a means of healing trauma with others. This can include addressing past traumas such as touch withheld, forced hugging during childhood, touch used as punishment, or experiences of rape/sexual trauma. We always prioritize the comfort and boundaries of each participant, and it is reiterated that saying "no" is always welcome in our space. We have dedicated practices to honor and respect each individual's edge, and participants are encouraged to communicate their boundaries and limits within themselves.


    Breast Massage is a practice that involves gently massaging and nurturing your breasts using various techniques with the intention of cultivating a deep connection with the breasts and moving stagnant energy.

    On a physical promotes lymphatic drainage and improves circulation. In this retreat explore SELF breast massage only. Which means you will be self massaging your breasts. Doing a daily practice of breast massage can literally change the energy of your breasts!

    We integrate our sacred plant of cacao in its butter form to enhance this experience in activating and opening the Heart chakra.

    Through the meditation and massage we can release dissociation, shame, and guilt around our sexuality, connect with our desires, experience more pleasure, and tap into our creative life force.


    Embodyment is intuitive, non-structured, and non-linear movement of the body that is “no force/no imposition“. This encourages movement to flow naturally from within, rather than being dictated by external expectations. It is about feeling deeper into the sensations and emotions that reside within you and allowing them to flow freely through your body. This allows you to connect with your inner landscape, release tension and emotional closures, as well as locating pleasure within your body. This process enables us to release trauma, soothe our nervous system, process emotions, and enhance our intuition. WE MUST FEEL TO HEAL.


    Voice attunement practices include techniques such as vocal toning, chanting, singing, breathwork, and vocal improvisation. It can be a powerful way to connect with one's inner voice, intuition, and personal truth.

    During our retreat, we provide practices that encourage and empower you to use your voice freely. You have full permission to express yourself, whether it's through releasing a sound with a sigh or a laugh, honoring your boundaries with a "no," expressing your desires with a "yes," seeking assistance when needed, or sharing your heartfelt thoughts and emotions. Your voice is a vital tool in connecting with your inner self and grounding in your authenticity.


    Honoring your "yes" and "no" can be challenging for many women, as societal conditioning often encourages people-pleasing behaviors that may seem embedded in the female body. Can you resonate with this?

    The "Yes/No Practice" during our retreat is designed to help you attune to the sensations of your "no" and "yes" in your body, and to practice expressing them through your voice and body. This practice aims to empower you with increased confidence and inner strength in knowing and effectively communicating your boundaries, desires, and choices.




Before and after photos are significant as they visually document the transformative journey women undergo during the retreat experience. These photos serve as tangible evidence of a shift, illustrating physical, emotional, and even spiritual changes.


Have you ever had an intentional photograph of your yoni? Imagine having a work of art of your pussy, of you in this way? Capturing the essence of your yoni, these portraits offer a unique opportunity for you to connect with your divine portal, femininity, your body, your sexuality energy, and the consciousness of all of life. They can also serve as a form of artistic expression and celebration of the divine feminine. This is truly a profound experience in seeing yourself.


Candid photos of emotion offer authentic glimpses into your transformative journey. These images not only document the raw emotions experienced during the retreat but also serve as reminders of the depth of personal growth and connection fostered in such environments. They provide a genuine portrayal of the human experience and allow you to be witnessed and witness yourself in a way you hadn’t before.


Group photos allow for a space of vulnerability, trust, and deep connection among women. They are an opportunity to express your authentic self and feel more bonded in sisterhood. These photos can document moments of shared intimacy, growth, and empowerment, serving as powerful reminders of the strength and beauty found in female bonds.

Below is a glimpse of Kerry and Amanda’s work and a preview into the photography medicine waiting for you in this retreat.

I’d love to see myself in a new light!



A Master Plant Diet or Dieta is an ancient tradition of Amazonian tribes created thousands of years ago. A ritual so that humans could more consciously connect with a plant’s consciousness, spirit, and wisdom. It is a deeply profound and intimate experience that offers insights, self-discovery, and a sacred bond with the natural world.

A Dieta is like a marriage between a human and a plant spirit, held in a sacred container by the shaman allowing for deep healing and connection. It traditionally consists of a dietero (dieter) undertaking mental, physical, and spiritual purification along with a strict diet or fasting, isolation, and consuming the plant with whole the connection is made. This sacred union and devoted space of connection is made in order for the plant to transmit guidance, sacred knowledge, and healing.


All plants have different characters, strengths, healing properties, and wisdom.

Cacao is heart medicine, fostering love, compassion, and empathy, and she has the capacity to release stuck emotions and trauma. By releasing inhibitions and attachments, she helps us connect with others from a place of love and understanding. Her sensual properties help us feel more connected to our bodies, inducing relaxation and facilitating emotional connection, ultimately enhancing the pleasure we can feel in our bodies and in connection with others. She also has the capacity to open the third eye, deepening intuition and the clarity of communication with our higher self. For this reason, she is a powerful ally in helping us make heart centered decisions with the connection to our highest good. Through its ability to raise serotonin levels and provide antioxidant protection to the brain, cacao supports mood improvement, focus, and overall well-being. Not only is her frequency opening, she is medicine of grounding which makes her great for sleep, heart circulation, and settling tension.


A Plant Dieta is really special in a retreat setting as we all get to journey in the sacred energy of Cacao. During our opening ceremony we will all “sit with” and drink Cacao, but before we do that, Kerry will sing in Cacao. Song is used to call in the spirit of Cacao to merge with each participant. Opening the dieta is important for establishing connection and opening the portal of the divine union with you and Cacao. Tobacco and sacred smudge is used when calling in Cacao spirit. After the portal is open and the relationship has been connected, each participant can take their first drink of Her.

We will work with Cacao 1-2 times per day of the retreat in her various forms. We will explore what she looks like, feels like, and tastes like in her true raw form and crack her pod open to reveal her soft sweetness and hard bitterness. We will work with her topically during our breast meditation and massage and rub her butter into our breast, heart center. We will allow her hard bitterness to melt in our mouths. We will speak with her, hear her, and most importantly feel her.

The last day of the retreat we will close our sacred dieta portal with Cacao just as we called her in, through song. Once we close the portal, we will give any remaining parts of her back to the Earth in gratitude. Honoring her divine wisdom and generosity of medicine.

I am ready for deep healing. Count me in!


This is just a glimpse of the profound and unique healing that awaits you on this transformative retreat. Your journey to wholeness is deeply personal, and what you uncover and heal during this sacred time is as individual as you are.

  • Self-abandonment occurs when we ignore our inner truth, suppress our intuition, and dismiss the wisdom of our hearts. We self-abandon when we say yes when we really mean no, when we stay silent when we want to speak up, and when we deny our own needs and desires in order to please others.

    In the feminine body, self-abandonment can be especially pronounced due to societal conditioning and biological programming. From a young age, most women are taught to prioritize the needs and expectations of others over their own, leading to a pattern of self-neglect and disconnection from their own inner guidance.

    During our retreat, we explore the layers of self-abandonment and gently unravel the beliefs and patterns that are holding you back. Through nurturing practices, deep self-reflection, and supportive sisterhood, you will be encouraged to honor your truth, listen to your intuition, and reclaim your voice.

  • Shame is the experience of being damaged, wrong, bad, and useless.

    Shame is an emotion that involves negative beliefs about yourself that can be pervasive and destructive to your sense of self. It is an emotion that can feel like it defines who you are as damaged, bad, helpless, and a failure. Shame is different from guilt. Guilt is a feeling of doing something bad. Shame is a feeling of being bad.

    We all have shame and it lives i. the darkness. Tucked away in an inner cave for fear of being found out. When we bring it to the light, we can heal it.

    Regardless of where you are in your journey of healing your shame, this retreat is an opportunity to bring light to and love the aspects of yourself still in hiding.

  • Sexual trauma is a pervasive reality that exists in our culture, and it can manifest in various ways. While some forms of sexual trauma, such as rape and molestation, are more commonly discussed, there are other experiences that are equally valid but often not recognized as trauma. Trauma is any disturbing or distressing experience, whether emotional or physical.

    We acknowledge that sexual trauma can take many forms, including saying yes to sex when you wanted to say no, saying no to sex when you wanted to say yes, withholding desires and fantasies, being caught masturbating and shamed for it, being told that sex and self-touch are 'wrong,' or being laughed at and shamed for discussing sex and sexual desires. Sexual trauma is not limited to the violation of the physical body through sex organs; it can encompass a wide range of experiences that impact our relationship with our sexuality and bodies.

    We understand that sexual trauma is complex and deeply personal, and our retreat provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment for you to explore, process, and heal these wounds.

    Our experienced facilitators will guide you in compassionate and empowering practices that honor your boundaries and help you cultivate a sense of safety, trust, and self-compassion. You are not alone in your healing journey, and we are here to hold space for you as release shame, guilt and fear, and help you navigate and transform your relationship with your sexuality and body.

  • The disconnection from Nature can manifest in various ways, from a lack of time spent in and with Mother Nature to fears of insects, animals, getting dirty, or acquiring illnesses. It can also include resistance to the elements such as hot, cold, wind, and rain, or concerns about natural disasters.

    Disconnection from nature can also manifest in various physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, including weight gain, irritability, migraines, chronic fatigue, poor sleep quality, lack of inspiration and creativity, lack of clarity, and an incessant need to constantly produce.

    We recognize that the impact of disconnection from Nature goes beyond just environmental concerns. It affects our overall well-being, including our physical, mental, and emotional health.

    Through being immersed with Nature and a blend of nature-based practices our retreat offers a unique opportunity to address and heal the manifestations of disconnection from Nature in our lives. We create a space where you can slow down, unplug, and reconnect with the rhythms and wisdom of the Earth, allowing for profound transformation and rejuvenation at all levels of your being.

    Our retreat is a journey of self-discovery, where you can let go of the need to constantly produce and instead, learn to simply BE. By rekindling your connection with Nature, you awaken your senses, expand your awareness, and open yourself up to new insights, inspirations, and possibilities. You leave our retreat with a renewed sense of vitality, clarity, and alignment with the natural world, carrying the healing energy of nature with you as you continue your life's journey.

  • The sister wound is a deep pain and distrust that is present in relationships with other women. It can manifest as jealousy, insecurity, cattiness, comparison, and fear. These behaviors are learned coping mechanisms that often stem from feeling unsafe, unloved, and dealing with unprocessed grief and pain.

    Judgment can appear as shaming women for their appearance, how they speak, the choices they’ve made, and how they self-express. Withholding involves intentionally excluding or making a woman feel unwelcome. Insecurity may arise when being around unfamiliar women or in the company of other women. Jealousy or envy can emerge in response to what another woman has or how she embodies her feminine essence. Lack of trust can be a common theme in relationships with other women for many people, to varying degrees.

    We all have the sister wound to some degree and it affects us all in a different way. It is important to understand that as we heal this wound, we take responsibility and forgive ourselves for being on both ends of the experience.

    In this retreat, the sister wound is brought to light and addressed through vulnerability in sharing, being in a collective space with other women, and being seen and heard by your sisters. Through deepening your relationship with yourself and other women, you can release harmful patterns and wounds related to the sister wound and foster authentic sisterhood and support among women.

  • Womb trauma can manifests itself, both emotionally and physically, affecting a woman's sense of self and her relationship with her femininity. This trauma can literally quite be everything a woman experience that “hurts” her; because She is The Womb.

    Emotionally, womb trauma can be reflected in judgment, shame, and derogatory beliefs about what it means to be a woman. This may include feeling inferior to men, being judged based on appearance, or being called derogatory names like "pussy" to imply weakness. Womb trauma can also arise from societal expectations to be more like a man or adopt masculine energy, such as being the sole provider for the family, striving for independence, attempting to control everything, withholding emotions, and avoiding vulnerability. Physically, womb trauma may manifest in experiences related to birth, miscarriage, abortion, fertility struggles, and menstrual issues.

    As a woman, your womb is a sacred space of creation and power, and a holy portal where your desires take shape. In our retreat, we address womb trauma through intentional practices dedicated to "birthing" all unbirthed babies (whether or not you have physical children), ideas, and desires.

  • Our sensuality is a natural aspect of being human, but often, fear and inhibition can inhibit our ability to fully embrace and enjoy it. We may feel hesitant to touch ourselves or others, to move our bodies in certain ways, or to express our pleasure vocally.

    Similarly, our sexuality is impacted by fear and inhibition in various ways. We may struggle with vulnerability, finding it challenging to open ourselves up and be truly be seen by others. We may rush into intimacy before we are fully aroused, missing out on the opportunity to savor the deliciousness of the experience. We may also neglect spending time exploring and connecting with our own bodies, including the sacred space of exploring the inner world of your vagina.

    In this retreat, we encourage open communication with your yoni and the sacred space of your feminine essence to be expressed. We provide a space where you can explore your sensuality without fear or inhibition, allowing yourself to fully experience touch, movement, and pleasure in a way that feels authentic to you.

  • Body image issues can manifest in various ways, including body dysmorphia, which is an obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in one's appearance. This flaw may be perceived as real by the individual, but it is often a distorted perception of their actual appearance, stemming from beliefs of not being 'good enough' or 'perfect enough'.

    These body image issues can have a significant impact on mental health, physical well-being, and the ability to connect in relationships. They often result in self-judgment, feeling inadequate, or being overly critical of one's own body, whether it is perceived as too little or too much of something.

    In this retreat, the medicine of being naked can help address the illusionary self-criticism of body image issues. Through dedicated practices, we offer opportunities for healing this wound and transforming your relationship with your body. We honor the uniqueness and beauty of each individual's body, and we hold space for you to release harmful beliefs and patterns related to your body image.


The Florrest is a canvas to create conscious experiences in nature, to ignite joy, love, and connection while honoring the land and individual sovereignty. It is a space to celebrate life in harmony with family, friends, colleagues, and aligned souls. It is an opportunity to reconnect with nature in a sustainable way, and to rest and awaken to deep fulfillment. 

The intention of these 153 acres of The Florrest is to allow the Universe to play abundantly on Earth. May we rest in inner peace, blossom into our Being, and radiate love and possibility to everyone. Through your entire being you feel the expansiveness of gratitude. You understand why this space is a nature sanctuary that supports your vision, a place to rest from conditioning and awaken to possibilities.

You walk through the forest, hearing the crackling of leaves under your feet, the chirping of birds up above. Stepping down into the cool creek, the water tickles your toes. Laughter bubbles as your inner child thanks you for saying YES to your heart's calling. You are leading this retreat and seeing the magic unfold in your group.

Your heart synchronizes with the heartbeat of mother earth who has invited you to The Florrest. You are surrounded by these soul's who have joined you; they see you, celebrate the light you are, and are now ready to ripple more light and awareness into their communities. 


  • 153 acres of private forest with creeks

  • Outdoor sacred ceremony circle

  • 12 mile nature trails with creeks, bridges, and swings.

  • Wildlife such as deer, owls, rabbits, butterflies, birds, turtles, hawk, armadillo

  • Filtered reverse osmosis water

  • Privacy and peace and quiet

  • Sauna (traditional and infra-red), cold plunge, hot tub, 40ft pool

  • Barefoot playground (barefoot path, slack line, ninja obstacles)

  • Outdoor lounge, prayer tree, and swings

  • Rooms inspired and created in the chakras

  • Harmony Hive Event Dome for indoor resting, stretching, and reflection

  • Indoor retreat house, including kitchen, refrigerator, and living room

  • 6 indoor bathrooms and 4 indoor showers

  • Shampoo, conditioner, soap, bug spray

  • Plant medicines in case of cuts, bruises, stings, bites, etc

I hear the forest calling my name. I’m joining!


In this healing sanctuary, you remember that you too are nature and that we all get to celebrate our true colors! You experience awe and child-like wonder as you walk through these unique rooms, waking up to a new perspective. The domes welcome you and your group to a space of clear intention, inspiration, and harmony within community. Settle in and feel at hOMe.

All indoor accommodations are shared rooms between 2-4 women depending on the space.
As this is a collective journey of sisterhood, there are no private rooms. If seeking a privacy, please consider the outdoor tent camping option. King beds can be shared with a friend for a reduced investment. For any accommodation questions, please contact Kerry directly.

  • This bedroom is inspired by the third eye chakra. "As we remove the filter from our vision, we can see what was always supporting us."

    This Purple Eye room has a king bed, single bed, and twin bed. It has a view of the event dome and the beautiful fire pit. It is located nearest to the dome entrance. It shares a bathroom with the Purple Blossom room.

    King beds can be shared as double occupancy for a rate discount. Which can be great for friends. Please e-mail Kerry with your double occupancy request.

  • This bedroom is inspired by the third eye chakra. "As we tend to our inner garden, we flourish with harmony."

    This bedroom has three single beds. It has a view of the lawn and forest. For those that are more sensitive to the light for sleeping, this one is the darkest of all the rooms. It shares a bathroom with the Eye room.

    King beds can be shared as double occupancy for a rate discount. Which can be great for friends. Please e-mail Kerry with your double occupancy request.

  • This master suite is inspired by the crown chakra. "Acknowledging and remembering that we have a loving Creator allows the blessings to activate."

    This room welcomes you with a majestic lit copula. It is very spacious, has one king bed, two single beds, and one twin bed.

    The bathroom is ensuite and has natural lighting. You can view the event dome and forest from the window. It is one flight of stairs up.

    King beds can be shared as double occupancy for a rate discount. Which can be great for friends. Please e-mail Kerry with your double occupancy request.

  • This bedroom is inspired by the solar plexus chakra. "We get to stand in our humble power to embody our potential and inspire others by how we are being."

    The yellow room is in the Vibez Wing building separate from the guest dome. It has two single beds, a desk, small closet, it's own A/C, and independent access.

  • Bringing your own tent or hammock for sleeping. There are 4 available retreat registrations for bringing your own tent. If selecting this “room” you will need to bring your own tent camping supplies and set up your spot.

THE food

Imagine a time when we lived in union with the Earth

And ate directly from the land that surrounded us…

Imagine a diverse diet of animal and plant sources

With great reverence for the life of all the sentient beings…

We are returning to our native roots and consuming all parts of Nature — in an omnivores diet. This means our menu will include animals (fats, bone broth, meat, and potentially organ meats — all the good stuff), eggs (happy chickens), dairy (only high quality), butter, homemade bread, fermented foods, garden and locally farm grown vegetables, fruits and herbs, mushrooms (if in season and ready), and anything else that Mother Nature is providing at the time! While our menu will not be one that is heavy on meat and dairy, they will be included — and that is important to know! Our intention is to provide animal or plant food that has been honored with love and deep gratitude.

Our diverse menu is wild foraged, garden grown, supplied by local organic farmers, and gathered from sustainable and organic non-local sources. The specific meal details depend heavily on what’s in season. Because that’s how we roll; in harmony with Mother Nature.

All meals are prepared by the chef Katrina “Kat” Lilly of The Freedom Family Band. Kat offers us a special infusion of food and music brining us back to our roots when songs were sung before and in connection with meal time. This energy brings in deep gratitude, connection, and reverence for the gift of life and being deeply nourished.

Meals are provided two times a day with intentional moments of morsels of food so that we can support our healing process. Food in the kitchen will always be available for you throughout your journey. So if you’re hungry and want a little nibble outside of our dedicated meal times, you are invited to tend to your wellbeing in that way. Kat will tend to a live charcuterie board of goodies that you can always access!

Please note that there is no coffee or alcohol a part of this retreat. If you have an allergy please let us know before registering so we can confirm if we can accommodate your preference.

Yes! I want to return to the land and heal.

  • 5 deeply healing and nourishing days together

  • Pre-Retreat Integration Calls: Wednesday September 11 2-330PM ET and Wednesday October 2 2-330PM ET

  • Post-Retreat Integration Call: Wednesday October 30, 2-330PM ET

  • Earth Yoni Virtual Ceremony if registered by June 9th

  • A sisterhood group WhatsApp communication space

  • Before & after photo, 3-5 yoni portraits, group photos, candid retreat photography

  • 153 acres of private Forest with 12 mile trails of creeks, bridges, and swings

  • 8 organic and mindfully sourced omnivore meals with 24/7 access to food

  • Master plant dieta with Cacao

  • Clean reverse osmosis water

  • Shampoo, body wash and field herbal medicine

  • Live Medicine Music/Sound

  • Practices facilitated by Kerry Kott and Amanda Carson


  • Tent Accommodations if camping

  • Travel costs to and from the venue: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) is the closest airport. Please email Kerry about any travel support.

  • Personal, medical or trip-cancellation insurance

  • Other related travel expenses

  • Any items personally purchased to prepare and participate in retreat

  • Additional integrations: private photography session, private healing sessions, and integration coaching — more details coming soon


This retreat speaks to me! Tell me the investment.


Kerry Kott is a world renown Nude Nature Photographer, Licensed Physician of Oriental Medicine, Intuitive Herbalist, Master Plant Guide, and Wild Woman Nude Embodyment Facilitator. Through her background in the healing arts for the past 15 years, growing up in the wilderness, and deep yearn for the Human-Source connection, she holds space for The Wild Human to emerge in all of us; a Return To Source. She has deep passion for wolves, trees, feeling emotions, laughing, authentic expression, and refining her intuition.

"I'm not here to teach you anything. I'm here to create an environment for you to discover what you need to discover. A space that doesn't require you to explain and understand. And the space to hear your inner wisdom and feel your body." ♡ kerry

Get to know Kerry: about page, podcast, instagram, facebook, or see her in the media.

I’m Amanda, and I’m your photographer. Some people ask me why I’m naked all the time… and if I’m honest…it’s because it feels completely natural to me. I believe the shame that society puts on our human form is misguided and keeps up from being our fullest self. There are few things more liberating than to feel safe to be and express in our bodies. I love capturing the human form nude in nature, because I love being nude in nature. There is a special kind of aliveness to feel the wind in our hair and the sun on our thighs. The tickle of water and the warmth of sunshine on bare skin. Let’s return to ourselves and this miraculous earth we inhabit, shall we?

To every human who has trusted me to witness you in your most wild unfurling. Thank you. It is an honor.

This is the medicine I’ve been looking for!


  • The term "NO-THING" in the context of this retreat refers to a state of being where one lets go of external distractions, tools, and gadgets, and embraces a sense of emptiness or non-attachment. It signifies a state of being present in the moment without the need for external possessions or distractions, and instead, allowing a deeper exploration of Self through the body and the natural world.

    The entire setup of our retreat is crafted to provide you with tools that are accessible to you at any given moment, simply by utilizing your own body. We have intentionally designed this retreat free from external influences and distractions, so that you may immerse yourself in the most potent medicine.

    NO-thing (nothing) means no clothes, cellphones, makeup, fragrant body care products, supplements, medications, outside plant medicines, cellphone generated music, no books, no talking between sacred practices, and etc.

  • The majority of this experienced is designed to be experienced in NO-thing.

    HOWEVER, there are a few things to bring:

    A water bottle

    Journal and favorite pen

    A sunhat

    An instrument(s) to play and/or share

    A robe and silky and soft fabrics that are easy to drape and play with across your skin; like a shawl or scarf

    Any sleeping necessities that will help make your sleep time more pleasurable

    Clothing items for warmth — in case you need them

    Tent, linens and bedding, if you'll be using your own


  • Yes! The medicine of nudity, along with Nature, is the foundational medicine of this retreat.

    As for clothing, we emphasize the healing power of nudity. However, this doesn't mean you won't have the option to use items for warmth or play. We encourage you to bring items like a silk scarf or a soft blanket, things that can provide comfort and cover, but are not traditional clothing such as shorts and shirts.

    If you feel hesitant or uncomfortable about exploring your nudity, we invite you to consider it is a reflection of what is available to be healed within you.

    To prepare you for the space, we suggest listening to Kerry’s podcast, connecting on instagram, sending a message to Kerry, or scheduling a discovery call.

  • YOU ARE WELCOME IN YOUR BLEED; no matter where you are in your cycle.

    If bleeding, you are encouraged to experience free bleeding without tampons, pads, cups, or period underwear. However, how you choose to journey in your bleed is up-to-you.

    If you’re expected to bleed and it’s an edge for you, please schedule a private conversation with Kerry or discover more about menstrual bleeding on her instagram.

  • You always have freedom of choice and your "no" is welcomed in the space. It's not about forcing yourself to be somewhere you're not, but about exploring your edge and receiving the medicine you came for. Your medicine may be honoring a "no" when it arises for you and it may be about leaning into your edge.

    For instance, if we're exploring a non-sexual touch practice and you do not wish to be touched in a hug or any other way, your "no" is respected.

    It is important to acknowledge that discomfort can sometimes be a reflection of your resistance and past traumas, and is an opportunity to lean into and explore within yourself. There is a distinction between ‘growth edge fear’, the fear that arises when growth and expansion are available, and the genuine "no" that we feel when something does not align with your boundaries.

    It is essential to honor and respect your authentic boundaries and discern when discomfort is a sign of growth versus a clear indication of a personal boundary.

  • A clear boundary of this space is that there is no sex is allowed. This means refraining from any form of stimulation or penetration with oneself or with other participants for the purpose of sexual release. This boundary is in place as many, if not all, participants are healing from sexual trauma. It is important to understand that this boundary is not meant to shame or shun anyone's sexuality. Rather, it is in place to create a safe and supportive environment for all participants to explore their healing journey.

    We want to assure you that your sexual energy, sexual expression, sensuality, and orgasmic experience is welcomed and honored in this space.


    We request that all participants turn off their cell phones during the retreat. The intention of this experience is to BE with Nature, God Consciousness, and your fellow Human. Please make all necessary arrangements with family and friends prior to your arrival. Kerry's personal cellphone number is provided as a point of contact during the retreat, and participants are encouraged to share it with their emergency contacts.


    Please note that this retreat takes place in a location with limited cell reception, which may vary depending on your service provider and weather conditions.


    There is no Wi-Fi available during the retreat with the exception of checking-in for a flight.

    We ask that individuals who are unable to honor the no cell phone policy for the duration of the retreat to forgo participation in this experience. Our aim is to create a space of presence and mindfulness, allowing for deep connection with oneself and the natural surroundings.

  • Participants are requested to avoid using any fragrances, including essential oils, during the retreat. This is done to respect the land, our senses and accommodate any fellow participants who may have chemical sensitivities.

    Fragrances include but are not limited to: cologne, perfume, aftershave, hairspray, hair gel, scented hair products, clothes laundered in fragrant detergents and softeners, soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, essential oils, synthetic bug spray, synthetic sunscreen, etc.

  • Our retreat's guidance of "no makeup" simply means refraining from using cosmetics. While makeup is often used to enhance one's appearance and provide a sense of comfort, we encourage you to explore your natural beauty without relying on it. This does not imply that using makeup is inherently wrong; rather, it's a deliberate choice to create a healing environment where guests can reconnect with their inner selves without the need for external enhancements.

  • Outside “medicines” such as cannabis, psilocybin, hapé, smoking tobacco (not ceremonial tobacco), and herbs are not permitted during the retreat.

    This is to ensure a clear and present experience during the event without any external influences, allowing for a deeper connection with oneself and the experience at hand. Your cooperation in refraining from outside "medicines" is appreciated and contributes to the integrity and intention of this retreat.

  • ARRIVAL Wednesday October 16 between 12-3PM. Light dinner at 4PM. Ceremony begins 5PM.

    DEPARTURE Sunday October 20 by 2PM. Retreat completes at 12PM.

    There are no exceptions for late arrivals or early departures. The gate to the Florrest closes at 3PM on Wednesday and any participants arriving after 3PM will have no access to the property and forfeit their participation in the experience. The gate opens at 12PM on Sunday.

    This container is honored for the benefit of all participants and facilitators.

  • All bathroom and shower accommodations are indoors. There are 6 bathrooms and 4 showers.

  • This retreat takes place regardless of the weather conditions, including rain or shine, cold or hot, and thunderstorms and wind. We honor and embrace the present moment as it is, allowing Mother Nature to guide us deeper into ourselves through Her elements.

  • The Wild Woman Nude experiences are currently only for cisgender women who identify as women.

  • A referral fee of 5% is available to each the Referrer. Referral fees are only applicable to first time event participants. The 5% referral fee is applied to the actual money received from the registered participant. For example, if the event investment is $2,000 and the participant receives a $400 scholarship, their total investment would be $1,600. In this scenario, the 5% referral fee would apply to the actual money paid by the participant and not the retreat sale price.

    Referral fees can be paid out in cash (via venmo) and are paid within 2 weeks of the conclusion of the event the referred participant has participated in. This is to ensure a clear dollar amount in the actual money paid by the participant in connection to any payment plans, scholarships, refunds, or participant withdrawal from the retreat process.

    Referral fees can be used as KerryKash. KerryKash is “cash” that acts like a credit, meaning you do not receive cash back, but a credit amount that can be applied to current or future events. KerryKash is available for use within 1 week of the conclusion of the event the referred participant has participated in. In some cases, KerryKash referral fees may be partially or fully applicable for use upon registration of the referred. Please inquire about applying your KerryKash.

    If you are registered for an event, and have attended a previous event, your referral fee and previous participant discount would both apply. Previous participant discount, 10%, referred your best friend and she registered, 5%, that’s a total of 15% off your retreat investment (if you choose to apply your referral fee to the investment of your retreat ticket). There is no cap in the amount of referral fees one can receive.

  • Previous participants of Kerry’s Nude Nature Ceremonies and Retreats receive 10% off their retreat investment. This discount applies only to women who have previously attended a Nude Nature ceremony or retreat. The 10% discount is applicable to the retreat ticket only and does not apply to accommodations, retreat add-ons, and any other products or services (those have already been discounted to support the retreat experience).

    Please email Kerry for your 10% retreat discount code.

  • Yes! Apprenticeships are available to women who have previously attended Kerry’s events.

    For this retreat there are 2-3 apprentice spaces available. Apprenticing includes and array of support in exchange for 50% off the full investment price and payment option of the retreat.

    If interested in contributing this way and being an apprentice, please email Kerry.

CONTACt kerry


For some women it can provide a space of clarity and ease in their nervous system to connect with before coming. If that’s you. It’s welcomed. Consider scheduling a 15 minute discovery call with Kerry or emailing her.

If you're a deep feeling woman who’s ready to unapologetically trust your intuition, awaken the wisdom of your yoni, and embody your magnetic sexual energy ― then join us in 153 private acres of wild Georgia for this powerful, deeply healing, and never-to-be-forgotten primal journey!